Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why am I so sleepy?

I can't seem to get motivated to do anything right now. Well, I guess I am writing a blog entry, but nobody will know because nobody reads this. But I suppose that's my own fault because I haven't told anybody about it. Whatever.

I saw Julie & Julia today with my mom. It was awesome, and Amy Adams and Maryl Streep are my two favorite people ever. I want to be just like them when I grow up. Especially Meryl Streep because who knows what kind of longevity a niche career like Amy Adams's will have.

I keep starting my paragraphs with "I." That is fitting, because this is a blog about me, and my life, and it's not like anyone else is around, but it keeps bugging me... Okay, I'll try again:

On Sunday, I spent the day downtown with my best friend, Alyssa, and we saw Post-Grad, which has another excellent actress in it, Alexis Bledel. After the movie, we ran around town trying to find a cheap copy of The Grapes of Wrath for her, but we ended up finding a library copy of The Laramie Project for me (it's one of the plays UCI is putting on this year). I want to get my own copy of it, though, because even if I don't get in, it's got some great monologues in it.

Hopefully I'll get around to making a video later. Alyssa chastised me for not putting up enough videos (she was my first YouTube subscriber). I just haven't been able to get motivated to make one, even with my fancy new camera. I'm blaming this one on the heat. It is too hot to be September.

Days Until I Leave: 18
Books I've Read this Summer: 17

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