Sunday, September 6, 2009

Darn you, first impressions!

So I just found out who my roommate is because she sent me a friend request on facebook. After accepting, doing a wild and improvised happy dance, and glancing over her profile to get a quick idea of what she's all about, I proceeded to send her an excited message in a tone that I think would be best described as dumb sorority girl on acid, because that was kind of my mood at the time, and I have no idea how to otherwise start a conversation with someone I don't know at all.

I realize in hindsight that that may not have been the best idea, and now this girl is going to have a completely wrong impression of me. Yes, I am girly and I like pink and I'm really really excited at the moment, but that's really only one aspect of me. I'm also very tomboyish at times, and I can see myself getting sick of pink if it's going to be ALL OVER OUR ROOM. I'm usually shy and not so quick to make friends out of strangers (although after SPOP, I think that aspect of me has changed). I want to be a zombie fairy for Halloween, and I love geeking out about things like Harry Potter and computer games. But I also tend to bring out different aspects of my personality when I'm around different people. I'm afraid that having a super-girly roommate (as she describes herself on facebook) will impact most other people's first impressions of me as well because I might be hanging out with her a lot. On the other hand, who knows? Gah, I just want to hurry up and experience it already, instead of just thinking about it!!

Continuing to write about this and dwell about it is not helping, I'll just have to let things be, and see how they turn out. And really, I was hoping for someone I could be girly with because I like being girly. It makes life more fun sometimes, almost the same way being a nerdfighter does.

Days Until I leave: 12 (since it's midnight, I count today as over)
Books I've Read this summer: still only 17. I haven't been reading as much since I actually started this countdown.

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