Thursday, September 10, 2009

Interesting stories from post-high school life.

Okay, it's more like one story that happened today, but you get my point.

Anyway, today I was at the drugstore getting some stuff for before I take my new headshots on Saturday, and extra necessities for college, and I ran into a former classmate. She was fairly popular, ASB president last year and everything, but she was always really nice. We had two classes together last year, but I've never actually had a one-on-one conversation with the girl. I say hi and she hugs me and starts to talk like we were best buddies since forever. I'm not complaining or anything, but I just think it's odd that as soon as we're not going to the same school anymore she's suddenly all friendly. I don't know. I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share, even if there is no one here to read this. I can look back on this in a few years and think "oh yeah, I remember that."

I've realized that I write things like this (read:diaries and blogs that no one else sees) purely for myself. It's a good way to practice writing, to make sure I don't ever become totally illiterate or something. And it's a good way to record my thoughts and feelings at the current moment so that my future self can look back and remember how I was at this age, or what I felt at that age. Last night I was looking over all my old diaries (I have nearly ten diaries I've ever written in, but they're all less than a quarter full because I barely ever wrote in them, but I got them as gifts), and I noticed that a lot of my interests and goals have stayed pretty much the same. I've also always written in a way that I feel would be interesting for other people to read, even if no one else will ever see it. I've also loved the concept of being able to write eloquently and poetically (eg: Aug. 28, 1997: "Jamse but yet a drop of wottr"). I think the only things that have drastically changed in my diary entries are length, handwriting, and spelling/grammar. And crushes, those have changed a lot too. Otherwise, it's mostly the same. Writing style has improved, of course, but the same basic concept is still there. Telling the story of my life as it's happening, in a way that I think other people might want to read.

So I think that's what this is going to become. My newest diary. Since nobody reads it anyway, I feel comfortable talking about pretty much anything in here, and then if people do start reading, well, I guess I'll take it from there. Obviously I'll omit all the really personal things, but I see no reason not to write a blog that no one reads just like a diary. And I think the thrill that someone might actually stumble across this someday makes me more compelled to write. It is a lot easier to find something when it's posted on the internet instead of hiding in my desk drawer.

Days until I leave: 8
Books I've read this summer: collectively, I think it might amount to 19 now, if fractions of books are counted and added together.

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