Saturday, September 26, 2009

Homesickness and Late Night Gatherings.

Brittney (my roommate) went home for the weekend, and even though we've only known each other a week, I miss her already, almost more than I miss my high school friends. I think it's because I know she's supposed to be here, and everyone else has other places they need to be. I still haven't made any other really solid friends here, although I'm not putting too much pressure on myself to do so. I already know that a girl from my hall and a girl I randomly met in the park on Monday are going to be in my writing class, and I'm sure there's a chance that someone I know will be in my acting class, and I've got all year to get to know people in my hall, so I'm not worried.

What the freaking hell? Some guys just walked past my room with a BLARING stereo in the middle of the freaking NIGHT! If I had been trying to sleep, that would have made it impossible! Who the hell blasts their stereo in the middle of the night?? I know tomorrow's only Sunday, but I have an audition at 9 AM! And they're coming by again! I don't want to close my windows because then it'll get really hot, but I might have to if I want to get any sleep. People are just out there TALKING. LOUDLY! This is very annoying. It's supposed to be quiet hours between 10pm and 8am, and right now it is clearly past 11. Grr. They're just gathered outside, talking. I am outraged.

I got to talk to my sister for about two hours yesterday on skype. My mom briefly said hi, too. That was nice, it was good to be able to be comfortable talking to someone familiar. If there was an awkward silence, I could just make a funny face and she would laugh. I'm already trying to figure out the best weekend to go back for a visit. There are times when I wish I hadn't gone so far away.

Oh, and one thing I've already learned about my writing class is that I'm going to have to write in a blog for it. Lucky for me, I already have experience writing in a blog. Nobody reads it, but I still write.

Okay, that's enough for one night. I need to be able to get a good night's sleep and have time to get ready for my audition tomorrow morning.

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