Sunday, September 6, 2009

On Writing

Yesterday, I spent the entire day with a friend, which was really fun because I haven't seen much of her all summer because she's been busy with work and school, and I was busy with work and depression, but yesterday we managed to both have time to hang out. A large amount of the time was spent discussing her writing (because she is an amazing writer, even if she doesn't always think so), and I realized that I am a rather shallow writer. I'm good with ideas and stuff, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of conveying them in an eloquent way, I kind of suck. I can easily conceptualize a plot, and I have ideas for how I want things to look to the readers, but it's difficult for me to show that through words. I think that is probably the reason I liked writing the script for VP last year so much, because I didn't have to worry about making the words in the direction look nice, just descriptive enough to paint a picture for any possible director.

And I've also realized that I'm not very good at creating complex and diverse characters. Sure, they may look different, but in essence they all have nearly the same personalities. I think the one exception I have to this is the news anchor in my script from last year. She was a real bitch, but I don't think I could have conveyed that as well if it were a finished medium like a novel. In reality, I only had to suggest her characteristics, and the director and actor playing her would figure it out and play up her personality.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd like to become a better writer, and I guess the only way to do that would be to practice writing (fiction) more. Now I just need to apply myself and actually do it...

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