Monday, September 28, 2009

More adjustment.

Adjusting to life here is interesting... difficult but fun in a way. I've started to become close to people in a very short amount of time, with absolutely no one I already knew around. I've already found out that there are a few people in my hall that are in my acting class, which is good. One of them is in my suite (meaning we share a bathroom) so I won't be the only one getting ready that early in the morning. I feel the friendships beginning to form, but it's odd because I've never made friends with this many people this quickly. Before it was, like, one or two at a time over several years and introductions from other people. Now it's a whole bunch of people all at once that I may have seen briefly before at orientation or when I visited here in April.

I found out that we have to read Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead for my acting class, which I directed in high school. That was an exciting moment for me, which turned into an embarrassing moment because the teacher then asked if anyone had "the book," which I thought meant R&G, so I excitedly said that I did because I had directed it, to which he replied "Oh, I mean the other book," by which he meant the required textbook for this class, which I also had. And then, of course, it was my turn to read the next portion of the syllabus. Gah, I'm so awkward.

In about three hours, I'll be in my writing class, the third and final class I'm taking this quarter. I think I already mentioned that I know some people in that class. I'm not entirely sure where the room is, but I know where the building is. I think I'll be able to figure it out from there.

College life is fun, I like it :)

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