Friday, August 28, 2009

Yesterday I got my new camera, which was super exciting. I believe this is the first thing I've bought with money that I earned from outside the family. I liked that feeling, and I hope to do a lot more of it in the future. Now, I wish I could say that I spent the rest of yesterday filming cool things to go on YouTube, but unfortunately, I can't. I did film a lot of things, but it was all just my family doing silly things, and I don't know their feelings about me putting them up online. My dad might not object so much, he has his own channel.I did get to posting a video yesterday of me acting like a Hannah Montana-obsessed 6-year-old. That will most likely be the last video I put up that was filmed on my still-frame camera. Woohoo, Hi-Def FTW!

I've been trying to adjust my sleep schedule to something that will reflect my school schedule more, so that when I start classes, I won't be running on no sleep at 8 AM. At least know I've proven to myself that I can be up and ready to go before 8. That's good...

The linens for my dorm bed came today. They're pink and stripey and they came in a humongous box. And I got a nice fluffy pink bath robe and towel set. Yay. I am seriously angsting about my room assignment though. I really, really, really, REALLY want to know my room assignment and roommate. My ideal living situation wold be on a second-floor room in Prado with a really nice roommate who is understanding of all my neurotic quirks and won't make fun of me for filming myself all the time. Perhaps that's a little too much to ask for...

I'm starting a counter here at the end because a) everyone is doing it and b) I feel like my blog entries don't have very good closure at the end, so this would be like a "final thought" sort of thing.

Days until I leave: 22
Books I've read this summer: 17

Also, quick edit: I got to my dentist appointment on time, tired but okay, and I hadn't flossed enough since my last appointment. :-P

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