Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sleepless Nights and Growing Resentment.

The garbage truck is driving by my house right now. I haven't slept yet, and I feel as though I won't sleep until what is technically tonight. That is how bad my insomnia is at the moment. This might be a good thing, it could reset my sleeping pattern so that I go to bed at around ten, so I'll wake up around eight or something tomorrow morning. I've already decided that if my cell phone alarm goes off at 9:30 and I haven't slept yet, I'm just going to have breakfast, screw the sleep. I don't even feel tired at the moment, probably because I've spent the last hour on the computer. I briefly talked to my friend on Facebook at five. She had just gotten up to get ready for work. When she left, no one was on.

On a completely unrelated note, there is a possible Oz performance on Wednesday that may or may not happen. At this point, it's TBA, and I sincerely hope that it doesn't happen. I'm sick of that show, and having to sit through it six more times instead of five might actually kill me. This is the longest running production I've ever taken part in, and being crew instead of cast is, to put it over-dramatically, slowly and painfully killing my soul. I realized this fully on Sunday. I came home after the show, and some of the first words out of my mouth were "I hate this!" and then I started to cry a little. I then proceeded to sign up for my audition time for the fall and winter UCI shows so as to prevent this from ever happening again. Hopefully for my Drama 101 credits, I can crew a dance show or something. And not operate any spotlights. If anything, I want to be running crew, I don't care how sweaty those dancers get.

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