Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cuteness only goes so far...

Yesterday was technically my first day of work, although I didn't actually have to do anything. To clarify any questions that may pop up about the rest of the entry, I should explain that I'm working as a follow spot operator for a local production of "The Wizard of Oz" which opens halfway through July.

All I had to do yesterday was meet the director, stage manager, and lighting guy, and then watch the run-through of the show. It was interesting to see the progress they're all at, especially since this is the first non-school-affiliated and non-children's show I've worked with (my definition of a children's show being one whose cast is entirely composed of children). And I've seen productions with this company before, so I've watched some of the actors in this production as an audience member before. For example, the Cowardly Lion was Judas in last year's "Jesus Christ: Superstar." And, of course, the Wicked Witch of the West is my drama teacher from high school. She didn't see me, though.

As a member of the crew, I get comp tickets to this show and its sister show that opened Thursday night. I went to see it with my mom and sister last night, after watching rehearsal, and because we were using the comp tickets, our entire row was filled with other people from the cast. Two seats over from me was one of the girls playing Dorothy, and across the aisle was the Cowardly Lion. So of course, I point this out to my mom (not to mention the program also contains information for "Wizard," including headshots and bios, so she might have figured it out on her own), and after the show, the Lion was being very loud about how great the show was and how great "Wizard" is gonna be, and my mom just has to make a comment about how he's playing the Cowardly Lion. I sheepishly explain that I'm a spotlight operator and I was watching the run-through today, and that's how we knew. Then I ran away.

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