Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bad Sleep Habits and How to Fix Them

A little over twelve hours ago, I was just falling asleep. Why, you ask? Because I spent all night putting all my music onto my computer and then putting it back onto my newly re-formatted Zen. I still lost three soundtracks (Wicked, Spamalot, and Seussical) but I can get those back easily. And now my computer's hard drive is clogged up with as much music as there is on my Zen.

So I guess that whole story is the thrilling conclusion to my current technology woes, and the reason I slept until almost one o'clock this afternoon. This is not the first time that has happened... I am the exact opposite of a morning person. I find it much easier to see 5AM if I stay up until then than to wake up before then. I've become increasingly annoyed with this trait of mine. I feel much more productive after dark, and much less constrained by other people because they're all asleep, and I would be perfectly content with keeping thngs this way if it weren't for the fact that the rest of the world works on the opposite schedule. This make me feel as though I've wasted half my entire day if I don't wake up before noon, even if it's likely I'll be awake the same amount of time as anyone else, just for different hours. I then feel annoyed with myself for wasting that time, and I don't get the things done that I planned to (like excercise, which I've really been slacking off about lately and it's been making me unhappy with the world). And then, because I woke up so late, I'm more likely to stay up later the next night (or morning). So the cycle continues and worsens.

I'm going to try to fix this a little by making myself go to bed earlier. There was a time when I could get up at some ungodly hour to get ready for school and even have time to watch TV. I could do that because I wasn't staying up so late, partially because my parents enforced a bedtime, and partially because I wasn't distracted by the internet. So I'm going to try to not let myself stay on my computer past 10 pm. It's going to be hard, especially since this is summer and I generally have no reason to do this, and I will proobably fail at first for those same reasons, but I'm going to do it anyway because I know in the long run it will be good for me. Or maybe I just want to see if I can change. Or to challenge myself because I'm bored. We'll see.

My first test is on Thursday with a 9 am appointment.

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