Friday, May 7, 2010

Into the Woods, It's Time To Go

...I hate to leave, I have to though
Into the woods to Grandmother's house
Into the woods to Grandmother's house.

My audition is in T-minus 3 hours and 50 minutes. I feel really jittery, but I think that might be from the coffee I had this morning. I should've asked for the vanilla-blended instead....

Anyway, I feel pretty confident about it. Last night I had a dream that I was cast as Little Red, but so was this other girl, and we agreed to share the role, even though I really wanted it to myself. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm competing against not only upper-division students who've had more training than I, but also Grad students who've had waaaaaay more training that I, so I really shouldn't take it personally if I don't get called back. Also, if I don't get called back or cast now, I can always audition again in the fall for an ensemble role. And then if I don't get that, I'll probably just go for costume crew so I can be involved anyway. I do need three more units of that, after all.

So until my audition I'll probably get some tea, go to the practice rooms to warm up and practice a little more, and probably go to the bathroom about fifty more times. (Nerves make my digestive system go into overdrive...)

Days Until Summer: 34
Times I've been to the bathroom today (so far): 4
*Update: Times I went to the bathroom in total (before the audition): 8

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