Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer

So I know that that's referencing a song, but I'm not actually referencing that song, although I am referencing something that is referencing that song, and you guys will totally get it when I make you read the book I just finished this summer. Will Grayson, Will Grayson is perhaps the best book I have come across since Harry Potter. Honestly, it's that good. I have not had to giggle and fangirl that much while reading a book since HP. And I have three words that will make you guys want to read the book too: Adorable Gay Guys. I know, right?

I'm still basking in the rush of reading the last half of it today, so I can't really think of much else. The only thing is, now I don't have anything to read tonight. But tomorrow I'm going to the library to get a new reading book, so that'll clear that up.

Days until summer: 28
Random fact of the day: my towels were made in Pakistan

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