Saturday, May 22, 2010

A ... girl?

So I pretty much fail at the whole posting every other day thing, but I guess I would rather have something interesting to say than put up some crap for the sake of putting something up. Maybe I'll do that in August for BEDA...

Anyway, today I was in a production of Peter Pan that had been reduced to about 30 minutes. I was a mermaid. It was fun. We performed it at this ghetto school carnival in Santa Ana, and there was a little girl there who absolutely loved mermaids, it was adorable. We (the mermaids) came out before the show to get the kids excited and we asked if any of them wanted to learn how to walk like a mermaid and this girl immediately raised her hand (and she was the only one, there were only about 8 people in the audience at that point) so we taught her the mermaid walk. And then after the show she poked her head through the curtain to see us again. So adorable!

Then, this evening we performed a raunchy version for the people at our school. There were maybe fifteen people there, at the most but we were mainly doing this one for ourselves anyway because during rehearsal we kept thinking of ways that the show could be more "adult" in some parts. So the mermaids got turned into total sex pots and it was really fun and we gave random lap dances to people in the audience and we groped Wendy. Also, in reference to the title of this post, one of my (five) lines is "A girl?" after Peter tells us that, oh, that's only Wendy after she interrupted his story, and in the kid's version I say it like "A girl? Wow, I've never seen a real live girl before (because I'm a mermaid and everyone else on this island is a boy)!" but in the adult version I say it like "A girl? Wow, I'm getting all kinds of excited for this girl here that I never got excited for for Peter before, this is sexy awesome!" I thought it was funny, even if no one else got it. Maybe it's just difficult to inflect that much into two words.

Days until summer: too few because I'm not ready for finals yet and too many because I can't wait for summer!
Random Fact of the Day: I have five unused tampons, soon to be four, because I forgot I needed them when I was already at the store on Wednesday so now I have to make an extra trip tomorrow and it's really annoying.

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