Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another Case of the WANTs

So I made the mistake of looking at cell phones today. It only started because I had to top up my phone, which required me to go to the virgin mobile website, so while I was there I thought, Hey, why don't I just look at their newer phones again, see if they have anything different. That's where I made my fatal mistake. The latest phone they have coming out is the LG Rumor Touch, and I already had a major fascination with touch-screen phones because I'm a tech nerd and I think they're awesome. So this phone has a touch screen, full slide-out keyboard, internet access, the ability to create and sell your own ringtones and phone graphics, camera that records video, and capabilities to upload said video directly to YouTube. I'm kind of drooling right now. The only problem is it has a slightly heftier price tag than I'm willing to shell out at the moment (although it's about half as expensive as a lot of other fancy phones, especially when you take into account that I'd still be using my cheap-ass no-contract bare-minimum phone plan, if I wanted to). But maybe, once I start working and I have a little extra spending money that I'm comfortable parting with, maybe then I'll get one. And by then it'll actually be released...

Oh, and now everywhere I go on the internet will be jam-packed with ads about virgin mobile stuff, like they always are when I top up my phone! Boo! :(

Days Until Summer: 22
Random Fact of the Day: My phone does something weird at 12:04 every morning that costs me 10 cents, and I can't figure out what it is or how to turn it off.

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