Saturday, May 22, 2010

A ... girl?

So I pretty much fail at the whole posting every other day thing, but I guess I would rather have something interesting to say than put up some crap for the sake of putting something up. Maybe I'll do that in August for BEDA...

Anyway, today I was in a production of Peter Pan that had been reduced to about 30 minutes. I was a mermaid. It was fun. We performed it at this ghetto school carnival in Santa Ana, and there was a little girl there who absolutely loved mermaids, it was adorable. We (the mermaids) came out before the show to get the kids excited and we asked if any of them wanted to learn how to walk like a mermaid and this girl immediately raised her hand (and she was the only one, there were only about 8 people in the audience at that point) so we taught her the mermaid walk. And then after the show she poked her head through the curtain to see us again. So adorable!

Then, this evening we performed a raunchy version for the people at our school. There were maybe fifteen people there, at the most but we were mainly doing this one for ourselves anyway because during rehearsal we kept thinking of ways that the show could be more "adult" in some parts. So the mermaids got turned into total sex pots and it was really fun and we gave random lap dances to people in the audience and we groped Wendy. Also, in reference to the title of this post, one of my (five) lines is "A girl?" after Peter tells us that, oh, that's only Wendy after she interrupted his story, and in the kid's version I say it like "A girl? Wow, I've never seen a real live girl before (because I'm a mermaid and everyone else on this island is a boy)!" but in the adult version I say it like "A girl? Wow, I'm getting all kinds of excited for this girl here that I never got excited for for Peter before, this is sexy awesome!" I thought it was funny, even if no one else got it. Maybe it's just difficult to inflect that much into two words.

Days until summer: too few because I'm not ready for finals yet and too many because I can't wait for summer!
Random Fact of the Day: I have five unused tampons, soon to be four, because I forgot I needed them when I was already at the store on Wednesday so now I have to make an extra trip tomorrow and it's really annoying.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another Case of the WANTs

So I made the mistake of looking at cell phones today. It only started because I had to top up my phone, which required me to go to the virgin mobile website, so while I was there I thought, Hey, why don't I just look at their newer phones again, see if they have anything different. That's where I made my fatal mistake. The latest phone they have coming out is the LG Rumor Touch, and I already had a major fascination with touch-screen phones because I'm a tech nerd and I think they're awesome. So this phone has a touch screen, full slide-out keyboard, internet access, the ability to create and sell your own ringtones and phone graphics, camera that records video, and capabilities to upload said video directly to YouTube. I'm kind of drooling right now. The only problem is it has a slightly heftier price tag than I'm willing to shell out at the moment (although it's about half as expensive as a lot of other fancy phones, especially when you take into account that I'd still be using my cheap-ass no-contract bare-minimum phone plan, if I wanted to). But maybe, once I start working and I have a little extra spending money that I'm comfortable parting with, maybe then I'll get one. And by then it'll actually be released...

Oh, and now everywhere I go on the internet will be jam-packed with ads about virgin mobile stuff, like they always are when I top up my phone! Boo! :(

Days Until Summer: 22
Random Fact of the Day: My phone does something weird at 12:04 every morning that costs me 10 cents, and I can't figure out what it is or how to turn it off.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So I'm looking out my window, and I see this couple walking by, and they're holding hands, and then the girl lets go and the guy puts his arm around her and she wraps her arms around his waist, and then I thought "that looks like it would be a really awkward way to walk" and I think about is some more, and I realize, yeah, I've tried to walk that way before with my arms wrapped around somebody else's waist and it is an awkward way to walk, it's an awkward way to just stand around even, but they keep walking, and all of a sudden, I see this raccoon walk behind them, not like right behind them but maybe like 20, 25 feet away, and I realize that's the first time I've seen a raccoon out in broad daylight.

Days Until Summer: 24
Random fact of the day: That was a really long run-on sentence.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer

So I know that that's referencing a song, but I'm not actually referencing that song, although I am referencing something that is referencing that song, and you guys will totally get it when I make you read the book I just finished this summer. Will Grayson, Will Grayson is perhaps the best book I have come across since Harry Potter. Honestly, it's that good. I have not had to giggle and fangirl that much while reading a book since HP. And I have three words that will make you guys want to read the book too: Adorable Gay Guys. I know, right?

I'm still basking in the rush of reading the last half of it today, so I can't really think of much else. The only thing is, now I don't have anything to read tonight. But tomorrow I'm going to the library to get a new reading book, so that'll clear that up.

Days until summer: 28
Random fact of the day: my towels were made in Pakistan

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Well, this sucks.

So basically I didn't get a callback, even though I thought I did amazing at my audition. I guess that's what happens when I compete against grad students. Grr...

I know I said I wouldn't take it personally but... I'm gonna go wallow in my own misery for the next day or so, mmkay?

Days until summer: 33
Calories consumed today(in chocolate and peanut butter): 5 bajillion

Friday, May 7, 2010

Into the Woods, It's Time To Go

...I hate to leave, I have to though
Into the woods to Grandmother's house
Into the woods to Grandmother's house.

My audition is in T-minus 3 hours and 50 minutes. I feel really jittery, but I think that might be from the coffee I had this morning. I should've asked for the vanilla-blended instead....

Anyway, I feel pretty confident about it. Last night I had a dream that I was cast as Little Red, but so was this other girl, and we agreed to share the role, even though I really wanted it to myself. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm competing against not only upper-division students who've had more training than I, but also Grad students who've had waaaaaay more training that I, so I really shouldn't take it personally if I don't get called back. Also, if I don't get called back or cast now, I can always audition again in the fall for an ensemble role. And then if I don't get that, I'll probably just go for costume crew so I can be involved anyway. I do need three more units of that, after all.

So until my audition I'll probably get some tea, go to the practice rooms to warm up and practice a little more, and probably go to the bathroom about fifty more times. (Nerves make my digestive system go into overdrive...)

Days Until Summer: 34
Times I've been to the bathroom today (so far): 4
*Update: Times I went to the bathroom in total (before the audition): 8

Monday, May 3, 2010

Penny For My Thoughts

I have a midterm tomorrow that I haven't really studied for. I'm not too worried about it, and I'm not sure if that should worry me. I feel like the test is going to be harder than I think it will, but somehow I can't bring myself to go study more. I looked over the information, I can't think of what else to do.

Sometimes I intend to do things like studying when all I really want to do is play computer games, and then I end up just looking at pages of things with no relevance to anything for hours, which is less productive than even playing the games would be. And then I realize it's almost 10:00 and I shouldn't start a game because I'm going to want to go to bed soon.

I managed to find the sheet music for my audition song for Into the Woods for free on some website. That was pretty cool.

I really need to take a shower. My bangs are all greasy and disgusting. Ick.

Those are just some things going through my mind right now.

Days Until Summer: 37
Hours Spent in My Chair Today: 10, roughly