Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Re-Introduction of Sorts


So it's been a while since my last post.
So it's been three and a half months since my last post.
So it's been nearly one and a half quarters of school since my last post.

But nobody was there to mind, so there's no harm done. Maybe, in retrospect, I'll miss not having documented that period of my life, but no one else will, I'm sure.

Now, I have a follower. Hi Alexis! I don't particularly feel the need to actually introduce myself again because I know you pretty much know everything you'd ever want to know about me. And if you really wanted to know anything else, you could ask. Also, I'm fairly certain that once Deanna catches wind that I'm blogging again, she'll follow me too, and then I'll have two followers, and then we'll all be a big happy circle of blog. Yay!

So anyway, here's the part where I talk about my day.

It was kind of stressful, I have to say.

This morning I had a mock-audition for my acting class, and while I really had no reason to be nervous because I was really prepared and I felt good about my monologue,I still was just for the sheer fact that it was called and "audition." I think my body makes me nervous just on principle.

Once that was over I got to go back to my room and be relaxed for a while, but I received a phone call while my phone was on silent. I was then faced with the prospect of calling someone back, someone I didn't know, about a job I applied for. Phone calls, especially of this nature, terrify me. I think I had to call three times before I actually got an answer, and then, while the man on the phone was very nice and sounded very interested in having me work for his organization, he told me to call this other phone number to sort things out. So now I have to do that. Bleh.

Then, after this phone ordeal (phone calls are always an ordeal for me, although I am getting better) I had another, actual audition, which I had no real way of preparing for because they didn't want a monologue, they just wanted you to bring a printout of your facebook profile and a small object to show and tell with. That actually ended up being pretty fun, and I think I did really well, and I might actually have a shot at being in this show. *crosses fingers and knocks on wood*

Oh, and one more fun thing about today: I found a brand spanking new penny while I was doing my laundry! It even has the new back and everything, and it looks like it was minted yesterday. That's what I ended up showing and telling, and the casting people thought it was pretty cool.

To reinstate the counters with something because I love ripping off people who are more internet-famous than me:

Days until I get to visit home: 8
Today's Dessert: Brownies and Butter Toffee Peanuts

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm glad you got a call back for a job! It's one more then I've gotten.

    I hope you get a part in that play!!
