Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm Not Making Anybody Dinner

I have to admit, I secretly told myself that I would post every day for the next however-long-it-was to kind of halfway make up for the three and a half month hiatus I took, but obviously that didn't happen. Instead, maybe I'll get some kind of every-other-day thing going on for a while, unless something really exciting happens on a day when I wouldn't have otherwise posted. You know, I should really spend less time talking about my blog posts and more time writing them... Commence Blogging:

Yesterday was the opening night of my roommate's dance show, and despite me forgetting to wish her luck* it still apparently went really well. I got to hear a funny story about how her necklace fell off at one point. Her boyfriend also came over, obviously to see her show. I wish I had had some forewarning that he was going to be spending the night. But whatever. He's enough of a gentleman that he'll leave the room when I need to get changed. Funny story though: he and roomie were discussing what to do for dinner (this was around 10:00 at night) and he said "Arden will make us dinner!" and I said "I'm not making anybody dinner, you're on your own." And then about an hour later I heard my roommate repeating this story to one of our hallmates. Well, I thought it was funny...

I just got a text from one of my friends about the time we are leaving to do something both exciting and nervewracking (for me at least) tomorrow. It is an ungodly hour of the morning. But I'm sure it'll be worth it in the long run. Maybe. For the experience at least. I hope. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Days Until I Visit Home: 6
Chapters Of My Psychology Textbook Read Today: 1.3, approximately

*The last time I saw her before it opened was five hours before curtain time, and I forgot that she would leave for class before I got back, so it really wasn't my fault.

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