Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not Willing To Be A Drive-By Shooting Victim

You know that thing I was talking about yesterday? That thing where I had to get up at an obscenely early hour of the morning to do? It was basically a huge waste of my time. Today Disneyland was having open auditions for character performers, so me and a few other friends went, and we got there at 6AM, two hours early, and we were some of the first people in line*, and when they measured my height, they told me I just wasn't quite the right height for what they were looking for today.

I was the only one of my friends who got cut the first round. So I had nothing to do for hours while I waited for someone, anyone to come back from getting cut. One of my friends lent me her Nintendo DS, so I did have something to keep me occupied for the most part. She had Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on it, so naturally I played that. After the first two hours, though, I started to get really bored and cold and uncomfortable** just sitting there playing this game, so I decided to get up and take a walk. So I walked. And I walked. And I walked some more. And I kept walking until I started getting into a residential area, and then I started feeling like if I stayed there for much longer, I might possibly get caught up in a drive-by shooting. I know, I know, how likely is a drive-by shooting to happen within walking distance from Disneyland? But I was still worried, so when I got to this set of railroad tracks*** I decided to turn around. So I walked back. I think I might have killed 45 minutes to an hour walking.

By the time I got back, there was absolutely NO ONE in the waiting area, besides the security guard and the occasional Disneyland cast member coming in to work. I played HBP some more on my friend's DS. I kept glancing over at the security guard, worrying that he was going to ask me what I was still doing here. Luckily he never did. I was just about to put the game away to go on another walk when I finally saw people coming back. Two of my friends hadn't made that cut and so we went home. The End.

Days until I visit home: 5
Wizard Cards collected today: about 200, I think. Possibly and counting.

*There were only two people there before we got there, and the sun had not fully risen yet.
**The benches were all made of metal rods. I was sitting on a series of metal rods. It was very painful on my bony butt.
***I didn't want to end up on the "wrong side of the tracks." Get it? Am I he only one who thinks that's funny?

1 comment:

  1. Are all your posts going to have "Not" in the title? Hehe. Aww, it sounds like it wasn't a horrible day at least, just a rather boring dull one.
