Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fun at Airports

Right now I'm writing this at the airport because I really have nothing better to do. I got to the airport a freaking two and a half hours early because my roommate offered to drive me, but she has class at five so she had to drop me off beforehand. My flight doesn't leave until 7:20. Obviously, by the time anyone reads this I'll be at home because I'll have to wait until I'm at home to post because they don't have WiFi at the airport. They also appear to not have outlets, so I'll have to find another way to occupy myself eventually thanks to my short, bi-polar battery life. I really should've listened to my dad about how to extend the battery life when I first got this thing... Oh well...

But other than the two-hour wait until I get to start boarding, I'm really excited to go home. Actually, nevermind, I kind of like the two-hour wait in the airport. I don't know why, but I really like spending time alone in airports. There's something about having this scheduled free time without internet that makes me feel really... productive, I guess. I tend to waste a lot of my time just looking at things online, but when I don't have that possibility, I do other things like write or draw or read; things that I like doing but I get really distracted by the internet so I don't do them as often as I'd like to. Even though I'll probably end up spending most of my time playing solitaire or mahjong or minesweeper until I run out of battery life and then go buy some gummy worms while I read my new book* until they call us to board. But whatever, at least it's an excuse to play solitaire for an hour.

As to the status of my battery life, for some reason it appears to be going UP the longer I use it, which makes absolutely not sense. When I started writing this, it said I had an hour and 35 minutes of battery life left, then I checked on it later and it said two hours, then I checked it and it said two hours and fourteen minutes. And now it's saying an hour and 54. I think I'm just going to not worry about it anymore until it runs out...


Days until I visit home: 0, I'm on my way there

Number of containers full of liquid I currently have with me: 4


* The Lovely Bones, which I've been wanting to read for a while now and it was on sale at Target yesterday when I was there**

** I know Target isn't exactly the best place to buy books, but I was already there and it was already there and I just couldn't resist.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Can Haz Cheezburger?

The first two quarters at school this year, I had a lot of cheeseburgers in the dining commons, because a) often that was the only thing they had available that I knew I would like and b) I felt like a lolcat when I ordered it ("Can I have a cheeseburger?"). This one guy who often works the grill remembers every single time he sees me that I always order a cheeseburger, and even when I'm not in line to actually get something from the grill, if he sees me he always says "Cheeseburger?" and I reply "No, not today."

This quarter I've been trying to significantly cut back because a) I've been trying to eat less beef because cows are bad for the environment and b) the Freshman 15 has wreaked havoc on me and I'm trying to eat healthier, and cheeseburgers are not known or their health. But today I walked into commons and there was literally nothing good except the grill. Everyone in the huge line I stood in to get to the grill agreed with me. Well, that guy was working the grill and he asked me "Cheeseburger?" and I said "Yes, please" and he made one and when he put it on a plate for me, I heard him say quietly "Here you go, mija" and I just thought that was so sweet I needed to comment on it to someone.

Days until I visit home: 2
Cheeseburgers eaten this month: 2

Monday, April 26, 2010

Nothing of Much Interest

I'm going to be honest and say that I didn't do much the past two days. Yesterday I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, surfed the 'net, played RollerCoaster Tycoon for a few hours, ate dinner, played more RollerCoaster Tycoon, watched Desperate Housewives while 'net surfing some more, and then went to bed. Exciting, I know. Today I got up, got dressed, went to class, came back and surfed the 'net, remembered about boobquake and changed my shirt, proceeded to read more of the blog posts from the creator of boobquake, worked on my paper for sociology, read more boobquake blog (which is called "Blag Hag" for future reference), worked on my paper, read more Blag Hag, found an article linked from Blag Hag that gave me the perfect topic for my paper so I finally got down to the business of beginning to write the abstract, read more Blag Hag, surfed, paper abstract, surf, blaghag, paper, blaghag, surf, paper, paper, dinner, paper, finish abstract, blaghag, surf, shower, write blog post, and oh look, we're here in the present! So yeah, nothing super exciting.

I mention this because it explains my lack of anything interesting to talk about.

Days until I visit home: 3
Times I Typed the Word "Binational" Today: 6

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not Willing To Be A Drive-By Shooting Victim

You know that thing I was talking about yesterday? That thing where I had to get up at an obscenely early hour of the morning to do? It was basically a huge waste of my time. Today Disneyland was having open auditions for character performers, so me and a few other friends went, and we got there at 6AM, two hours early, and we were some of the first people in line*, and when they measured my height, they told me I just wasn't quite the right height for what they were looking for today.

I was the only one of my friends who got cut the first round. So I had nothing to do for hours while I waited for someone, anyone to come back from getting cut. One of my friends lent me her Nintendo DS, so I did have something to keep me occupied for the most part. She had Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince on it, so naturally I played that. After the first two hours, though, I started to get really bored and cold and uncomfortable** just sitting there playing this game, so I decided to get up and take a walk. So I walked. And I walked. And I walked some more. And I kept walking until I started getting into a residential area, and then I started feeling like if I stayed there for much longer, I might possibly get caught up in a drive-by shooting. I know, I know, how likely is a drive-by shooting to happen within walking distance from Disneyland? But I was still worried, so when I got to this set of railroad tracks*** I decided to turn around. So I walked back. I think I might have killed 45 minutes to an hour walking.

By the time I got back, there was absolutely NO ONE in the waiting area, besides the security guard and the occasional Disneyland cast member coming in to work. I played HBP some more on my friend's DS. I kept glancing over at the security guard, worrying that he was going to ask me what I was still doing here. Luckily he never did. I was just about to put the game away to go on another walk when I finally saw people coming back. Two of my friends hadn't made that cut and so we went home. The End.

Days until I visit home: 5
Wizard Cards collected today: about 200, I think. Possibly and counting.

*There were only two people there before we got there, and the sun had not fully risen yet.
**The benches were all made of metal rods. I was sitting on a series of metal rods. It was very painful on my bony butt.
***I didn't want to end up on the "wrong side of the tracks." Get it? Am I he only one who thinks that's funny?

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm Not Making Anybody Dinner

I have to admit, I secretly told myself that I would post every day for the next however-long-it-was to kind of halfway make up for the three and a half month hiatus I took, but obviously that didn't happen. Instead, maybe I'll get some kind of every-other-day thing going on for a while, unless something really exciting happens on a day when I wouldn't have otherwise posted. You know, I should really spend less time talking about my blog posts and more time writing them... Commence Blogging:

Yesterday was the opening night of my roommate's dance show, and despite me forgetting to wish her luck* it still apparently went really well. I got to hear a funny story about how her necklace fell off at one point. Her boyfriend also came over, obviously to see her show. I wish I had had some forewarning that he was going to be spending the night. But whatever. He's enough of a gentleman that he'll leave the room when I need to get changed. Funny story though: he and roomie were discussing what to do for dinner (this was around 10:00 at night) and he said "Arden will make us dinner!" and I said "I'm not making anybody dinner, you're on your own." And then about an hour later I heard my roommate repeating this story to one of our hallmates. Well, I thought it was funny...

I just got a text from one of my friends about the time we are leaving to do something both exciting and nervewracking (for me at least) tomorrow. It is an ungodly hour of the morning. But I'm sure it'll be worth it in the long run. Maybe. For the experience at least. I hope. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Days Until I Visit Home: 6
Chapters Of My Psychology Textbook Read Today: 1.3, approximately

*The last time I saw her before it opened was five hours before curtain time, and I forgot that she would leave for class before I got back, so it really wasn't my fault.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Re-Introduction of Sorts


So it's been a while since my last post.
So it's been three and a half months since my last post.
So it's been nearly one and a half quarters of school since my last post.

But nobody was there to mind, so there's no harm done. Maybe, in retrospect, I'll miss not having documented that period of my life, but no one else will, I'm sure.

Now, I have a follower. Hi Alexis! I don't particularly feel the need to actually introduce myself again because I know you pretty much know everything you'd ever want to know about me. And if you really wanted to know anything else, you could ask. Also, I'm fairly certain that once Deanna catches wind that I'm blogging again, she'll follow me too, and then I'll have two followers, and then we'll all be a big happy circle of blog. Yay!

So anyway, here's the part where I talk about my day.

It was kind of stressful, I have to say.

This morning I had a mock-audition for my acting class, and while I really had no reason to be nervous because I was really prepared and I felt good about my monologue,I still was just for the sheer fact that it was called and "audition." I think my body makes me nervous just on principle.

Once that was over I got to go back to my room and be relaxed for a while, but I received a phone call while my phone was on silent. I was then faced with the prospect of calling someone back, someone I didn't know, about a job I applied for. Phone calls, especially of this nature, terrify me. I think I had to call three times before I actually got an answer, and then, while the man on the phone was very nice and sounded very interested in having me work for his organization, he told me to call this other phone number to sort things out. So now I have to do that. Bleh.

Then, after this phone ordeal (phone calls are always an ordeal for me, although I am getting better) I had another, actual audition, which I had no real way of preparing for because they didn't want a monologue, they just wanted you to bring a printout of your facebook profile and a small object to show and tell with. That actually ended up being pretty fun, and I think I did really well, and I might actually have a shot at being in this show. *crosses fingers and knocks on wood*

Oh, and one more fun thing about today: I found a brand spanking new penny while I was doing my laundry! It even has the new back and everything, and it looks like it was minted yesterday. That's what I ended up showing and telling, and the casting people thought it was pretty cool.

To reinstate the counters with something because I love ripping off people who are more internet-famous than me:

Days until I get to visit home: 8
Today's Dessert: Brownies and Butter Toffee Peanuts