Sunday, October 25, 2009

You can always go back home...

So I retract my previous statement of a few months ago about not being able to call that place that my parents own "home" anymore because I went there over the weekend, and as soon as I stepped inside on Thursday evening, I thought "I'm HOME!"

So yes, last weekend was lovely almost in an "escape from reality" sort of way. I got to see my family, and I got to see my three best friends who all just happened to stay at home. I contemplated transferring to UCSC to be closer to home, but then I thought of all the new friends I'm making here and how I want to have time to get to know them, and how much progress I'm making in the whole "becoming an adult" thing. I think I'll feel much better about being here once I'm not in a dorm room anymore. The lack of furry pets and privacy is kicking my ass. I just have to reassure myself that it is only until June. Of course, with that mentality, I will waste my entire year and look back on my Freshman year of college wondering "what did I do that year??"

Anyway, I'm back in those dorms now, and my roommate still hasn't shown up from her trip home this weekend. I have to say, this whole college experience reminds me so much of Looking For Alaska with the no smoking or alcohol, but some people do it anyway, and the people who live close enough are the "Weekday Warriors." Yeah, I have little private geek-out sessions. All the time.

I think if things don't change soon, I am going to start demanding hugs. I miss those. I used to get hugs every day, and now I don't get any hugs at all. This needs to change.

My writing style is always so fragmented, I've noticed... I start really strongly on one topic, and then start to ricochet off onto other completely unrelated topics that only I could connect. Oh well.

I still haven't finished my Halloween costume. I need a pair of wings, a magic wand, and sudden zombie makeup skillz. I am least worried about the last part. I have no idea where costume stores are around here. Why are bus routes so confusing?

Days until NaNo: 7

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