Sunday, October 11, 2009

Free Write

I was feeling stuck while doing a homework blog, so I decided to do a free write to get the juices flowing. I thought I'd share it here.

I really just need to type whatever I think of right now just to get my thoughts out and clear my head and to get myself typing and get the juices flowing and everything. Whew, I’m surprised that last sentence doesn’t catch as a run-on. Whatever, it doesn’t matter anyway, the most important thing right now is to not stop typing and hope something comes out of it. Perhaps this is something I can do while I’m doing NaNo, if I decide to do that, which is partially ridiculous that I said “if” because I’ve already made up my mind to do it, so I really just need to sign up to make it official and it’s so exciting because I’ll actually have a semi long-term project to work on that’s not school related, but might help my writing in some way. I really don’t know what to say right now and I should have done this in One Note so that I don’t have to actually save this but still have it saved. I can’t believe that by just writing about nothing I’ve already got a higher word count than the blog that I’m supposed to be writing, and I think it’s really stupid that we’re assigned to write blogs that are like essays because really that just takes all the fun out of blogging, and I don’t think that anyone would really ever write a blog about analyzing literature. Blogs are written about fun things like fashion and what I ate today or cooked, and they’re not about analyzing literature, they’re supposed to be like online diaries that anyone can read. Sure, some of them have specific purpose, but I don’t like writing blogs like that, I just want to splurge out all my feelings for the world to see. I want to be able to freely write what I feel and not what I’m told. This just turns me into a big ball of frustration and anger, and frustrated and angry me is not something I want to be all the time, and this is making me be that. I don’t like it, I don’t like having to write as a form of effective communication. Well, actually scratch that, I do like writing as an effective form of communication, just not to analyze rhetoric. I’m still not entirely sure on the concept of rhetoric. It just doesn’t make sense to me, it hasn’t clicked yet. This is really annoying and frustrating and I should stop writing this so that I can write my blog and glossary entry so I have time to get my fish tomorrow. Even though I still have an hour before my class after Brittney leaves for her class, so we’ll be back with some time, but still.

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