Thursday, July 23, 2009

SPOPpin' with my homies

A little over a day ago I came home from my college orientation, which was called SPOP (Student and Parent Orientation Program). It was really fun, and I met a lot of people, both in my major and out of it. I also signed up for classes, and at the moment I only have three (which is half the number of classes I took my last two years of high school), a production theory class, an acting class, and a writing class. I am super stoked. The only drawback is that my production and acting classes make my schedule start at 8AM Monday through Thursday. On the bright side, I have no classes on Friday, and I'm trying to keep it that way. This means that anytime on Thursday after my production class, I can leave to visit home for the weekend, which will be convenient around the time that my high school is performing their plays, because I really want to see them. I don't even know what plays they're doing next year. I'll definitely ask before I leave. I have two weeks after they start before I do.

I've gotten into this horrible habit of staying up until ungodly hours of the morning and then waking up in the early afternoon. I blame my job for enabling me to do so, as I don't go in until around 6, and don't come home until 11, at which point Family Guy is on, and my sister or dad is usually watching it, so I get sucked in to watching it, and then next thing I know it's 1:30 and Futurama is ending and I'm wide awake. I knew that whole sleep cycle thing would fail.

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