Friday, July 24, 2009


First thoughts after seeing Half-Blood Prince:

--Such a mixture of hate and love. I mean really, never has the line between loving and loathing been so blurry. They ruined so much, but there was also so much good, I was bobbing up and down in my seat and squealing like an idiot. Overall, though, I think the good outweighed the bad, and it could have been a lot worse (i.e., the travesty that is the Goblet of Fire movie).

--What the hell Bellatrix?!?!? You were one of the characters that made the movie excellent in the last one! What happened? And that whole thing with her lighting the Burrow on fire? What?!?

--The relationships. Ohgahd the relationships. Dumbledore, don't be delusional, of course nothing is going on between Harry and Hermione. Honestly. On the other hand, the parallels between Harry's crush on Ginny and Hermione's crush on Ron had never been so clear to me. I liked that little bit. And Hermione+Anger+Canaries=Win, but Canaries+Solid Wall-Hitting Ron=Fail. He was supposed to have marks for weeks. Also, the adult relationships were completely lacking. Bill and Fleur? Where were they? Tonks's crush on Remus? Where was that? They just skipped right to calling each other "Sweetheart" quickly during Christmas. I thought the Ron and Lavender was excellent, though (Won-Won! Yay!). But I missed his dilemma about wanting to split up with her, although I suppose it happened essentially the same way.

--There was a different actor playing teenage Riddle. I am upset. I really liked the Chamber of Secrets memory!Riddle. I will always picture that one while I'm reading.

--The acting in general, though, was amazing. Felix! Oh! Harry should be on Felix Felicis all the time! That was hilarious. And all the darker, more serious things were good too. I like seeing Draco cry, he really is just a poor, tormented boy mixed up in the wrong crowd.

--Slughorn was too skinny and needed a moustache.

--Dumbledore loves knitting patterns!

--Unfortunately, he also left Harry with absolutely no idea as to what the other horcruxes might be. Harry didn't get the chance to fully comprehend Voldemort's love of trophies and power. How is he supposed to know that the other horcruxes are relics of the Hogwarts founders?

Alright, it's quite clear that my thoughts are rapidly disintegrating, so I think I'll leave that there. I'm also really eager to begin re-reading Deathly Hallows because it'll be my first re-read of that.

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