Monday, July 27, 2009

I actually feel like I have days off now.

The best thing about working as a tech person in a show: a guaranteed Monday-Wednesday off. Worst thing: You know you have to work weekends. You are working exclusively weekends. Matinees are pretty up there too.

So yes, as a Monday, I don't have to work today. I had lots of plans for what I was going to do with my day, but they all sort of ended when I stumbled out of bed at 1:30 in the afternoon and didn't get dressed until around 4. At that point any hope for any productivity at all was shot. At least, productivity during daylight hours. But who knows, maybe I'll get inspired to make some sort of video later tonight. I do have some footage from Saturday around the shows from that day, so I could throw something together. But I really want to do something that involves split-screening. Eventually, you know?

Friday, July 24, 2009


First thoughts after seeing Half-Blood Prince:

--Such a mixture of hate and love. I mean really, never has the line between loving and loathing been so blurry. They ruined so much, but there was also so much good, I was bobbing up and down in my seat and squealing like an idiot. Overall, though, I think the good outweighed the bad, and it could have been a lot worse (i.e., the travesty that is the Goblet of Fire movie).

--What the hell Bellatrix?!?!? You were one of the characters that made the movie excellent in the last one! What happened? And that whole thing with her lighting the Burrow on fire? What?!?

--The relationships. Ohgahd the relationships. Dumbledore, don't be delusional, of course nothing is going on between Harry and Hermione. Honestly. On the other hand, the parallels between Harry's crush on Ginny and Hermione's crush on Ron had never been so clear to me. I liked that little bit. And Hermione+Anger+Canaries=Win, but Canaries+Solid Wall-Hitting Ron=Fail. He was supposed to have marks for weeks. Also, the adult relationships were completely lacking. Bill and Fleur? Where were they? Tonks's crush on Remus? Where was that? They just skipped right to calling each other "Sweetheart" quickly during Christmas. I thought the Ron and Lavender was excellent, though (Won-Won! Yay!). But I missed his dilemma about wanting to split up with her, although I suppose it happened essentially the same way.

--There was a different actor playing teenage Riddle. I am upset. I really liked the Chamber of Secrets memory!Riddle. I will always picture that one while I'm reading.

--The acting in general, though, was amazing. Felix! Oh! Harry should be on Felix Felicis all the time! That was hilarious. And all the darker, more serious things were good too. I like seeing Draco cry, he really is just a poor, tormented boy mixed up in the wrong crowd.

--Slughorn was too skinny and needed a moustache.

--Dumbledore loves knitting patterns!

--Unfortunately, he also left Harry with absolutely no idea as to what the other horcruxes might be. Harry didn't get the chance to fully comprehend Voldemort's love of trophies and power. How is he supposed to know that the other horcruxes are relics of the Hogwarts founders?

Alright, it's quite clear that my thoughts are rapidly disintegrating, so I think I'll leave that there. I'm also really eager to begin re-reading Deathly Hallows because it'll be my first re-read of that.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

SPOPpin' with my homies

A little over a day ago I came home from my college orientation, which was called SPOP (Student and Parent Orientation Program). It was really fun, and I met a lot of people, both in my major and out of it. I also signed up for classes, and at the moment I only have three (which is half the number of classes I took my last two years of high school), a production theory class, an acting class, and a writing class. I am super stoked. The only drawback is that my production and acting classes make my schedule start at 8AM Monday through Thursday. On the bright side, I have no classes on Friday, and I'm trying to keep it that way. This means that anytime on Thursday after my production class, I can leave to visit home for the weekend, which will be convenient around the time that my high school is performing their plays, because I really want to see them. I don't even know what plays they're doing next year. I'll definitely ask before I leave. I have two weeks after they start before I do.

I've gotten into this horrible habit of staying up until ungodly hours of the morning and then waking up in the early afternoon. I blame my job for enabling me to do so, as I don't go in until around 6, and don't come home until 11, at which point Family Guy is on, and my sister or dad is usually watching it, so I get sucked in to watching it, and then next thing I know it's 1:30 and Futurama is ending and I'm wide awake. I knew that whole sleep cycle thing would fail.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Only 2,241 pages left...

...until I am ready to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I absolutely never watch the movie without finishing a re-read of the books first, although Ill let myself see it before finishing Deathly Hallows if I get the chance. I bring this up now because I realize that probably every other good Harry Potter fan is most of the way through watching the movie already, and I am sitting at home in my pajamas, writing a blog. (and taking a break from reading.)

If I didn't have a job, I would probably be done and watching it either now or Saturday with my friends. Grr, job...

And speaking of the job, I've been seeing references to the Wizard of Oz at least once a day for the past week it feels like. This always happens to me when I'm in a musical, always, although usually not with quite so much force. Also, every single song is stuck in my head at the same time.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The day my father was born

It was a certain number of years ago today. To celebrate that, we're going out for sushi. I love sushi, so it's lucky for me that my dad does too.

Friday, July 10, 2009

on the job

The job's been going well. I get to climb up this ladder and kneel on a platform for several hours each night while occasionally making sure an extremely hot light is pointed at a certain person for a few minutes. Pretty easy, but it tends to hurt my knees and hands. I got a gardening pad for my knees, which helps a little, and I'm trying to find a pair of work gloves that I'm sure I have lying around somewhere.

Today I'm not needed because they're doing a flight rehearsal, so only the fly crew and characters that are flying need to be there. So instead I'm going to a friend's house to have a party for no reason. Those are my favorite kinds of parties now. Mainly because I don't have to worry about getting anyone a gift. I am horrible with gifts.

I have every single song from Wizard of Oz that is not in the movie stuck in my head right now. That is my least favorite part of working on a musical.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Skin Dehydrator

So I am updating this as a frantically try to get ready for work, trying to predict what I'll want and need. I wasn't actually needed yesterday, so I didn't go. I've still got the remnants of the cold, and I've been blowing my nose practically nonstop for the past 48 hours. The skin around my nose is very dry and flaky now, and honestly it looks gross. I need to be sure that I eat well so that I don't faint and fall off the platform that I need to stand on.

I don't know why I always choose to do things when I don't have time to do them.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Belated Fourth of July

I didn't get around to posting a blog yesterday because I was too busy half-heartedly celebrating the birthday of my country while trying not to die. I'm still sneezing a lot.

Sometimes I prefer watching the fireworks on TV than in real life because you don't have to worry about the cold, or getting a good spot to watch, or the horrendous music they blare at you, or the horrendous traffic afterward. I just had to mosey over to my livingroom and then mosey back to my room when I was done. It was quite nice.

I took a break from taking care of myself yesterday to have ice cream. It was worth it.

Tomorrow I get to officially start work.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ick Bleh

So yeah, I'm definitely sick. Yesterday I woke up and just felt awful. My throat feels like warm sandpaper. Standing up is not pleasant. Needless to say, I did not go to that campout.

I hope I'm better by Monday... (I have to go to work :-P)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My throat feels like sick.

Yet, for some reason, I still ate a small bowl of chocolate chips after dinner. And am tempted to get more...

But aside from my state of health and unhealthy eating habits, it's been a good day. I've done absolutely nothing productive in a pretty sundress. Those always make for good days. I've started to play my Nancy Drew computer games again. I figure I still have them, and they bring on some nostalgia, and they still work, so I might as well play them. If only I could get the first two Harry Potter games to work correctly...

Anyway, yesterday was my best friend's birthday. She is now 18, yippee!

And I just got word of a campout happening tomorrow night. I think I'll go.

Happy July ^^