Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sure it's a hick town, but it's MY hick town!

Clearly I am not keeping up with this as well as I'd hoped.

Right now I'm only doing this as a way to distract myself until my sister is done with the shower. I just finished a workout video (P90X Ab Ripper X, it's super intense and now I'm going to be sore for days but it's so worth it) and I was all ready to hop in the shower only to find that she had usurped it while I wasn't looking. Harumph!

So today is the fourth of July. Independence day. The day that our founding fathers decided they'd had enough of England's bullshit and signed the Declaration of Independence all those years ago (234 to be exact). So I'm going to watch our dinky town's parade with my parents and grandparents (and my shower usurping sister) in order to remind myself how much of a hick town this really is. But hey, it's my hick town and I still love it, and I will miss it if only for the people here that I actually like. Like you two, the only people who actually read my blog. I love you and I'm going to miss you when I leave for good. A lot.

Well, it sounds like the shower is finally unoccupied, so I'll go wash myself off.

*Edit: Nevermind, it wasn't. I had to go tell her to finish up...

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