Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Super Glamerous

I miss this. Semi-anonymously spilling my soul into the abyss of the internet. I should do this more often. Although I'm not surprised I don't, I was always horrible at keeping a diary as a kid. But let's try again, shall we?

So I've started my second year of college. It's been fun. I still haven't gotten into any shows, but whatever. I'm doing crew for Into the Woods and that should be fun. (Of course I would prefer to be acting in it, but this is what happened and I'm okay with that). I seem to have adopted a policy of "It will Happen when it Happens" and if something doesn't work out for me then it just wasn't meant to be. There are so many things in my life that are beyond my control and based on chance, so it's a lot less stressful to not try to control them.

I just realized while typing this that I happen to be wearing both a nose pore strip and some crest whitestrips. At the same time. Boy do I feel glamorous about that... I'm also currently not wearing any makeup, to add to the glamor. They should just lock me up for impersonating Lady Gaga I'm so glam right now. Wow.

Anyway... I forgot what else I was going to say... So I'll leave it at that. Farewell.