Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer Sleep/Work schedule

I'm falling into old habits again. I stay up late doing essentially nothing on the internet because momentum doesn't let me get up to get ready for bed. Then I stay in bed until noon for the same reasons. Then I can't really get going to do anything until late and all I really feel like doing is loafing around the house. I'm giving myself a little bit of a break on that regard because I really haven't been home like this in nine months, and I'm still getting used to being back here. Although, I still haven't seen two of my best friends since getting back (read: You guys, the two people who actually read this thing). I really want time to hang out with the two of you soon because I miss you, and it's stupid that I've been home almost a week and haven't seen you yet. That is partially my fault, though, I could call you and initiate something.

I had a job interview today (actually yesterday, but that's a technicality). I start work on Monday if the other place I applied to doesn't call me back by then (or maybe even if they do, the job I just got seems like a pretty sweet deal). It's looking more and more like I'm going to take this job, and I am excited for it because it's something I'm interested in and care about to some degree, but the only problem I have with it is the hours. It goes from about 1:30 to 10pm Monday through Friday all summer, which is a little bit more than I was prepared to work. That just leaves weekends and mornings for doing other things, and we all know I'm not a morning person. Regardless, I'll probably still take this job. I am just a little upset, though, that it will cut so much into my summer...

"To-do" list items completed today: 6
Random Fact of the day: I wore shorts in public despite my unshaven legs.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

When I wasn't even paying attention!

So I'm going to backdate this one a little because today was an important day that I let slip by without documentation! Not only was today the first anniversary of this blog, but it was also the official last day of my freshman year of college. Tomorrow I'm going to Disneyland to celebrate. Because honestly, why not?

Days until summer (by "summer" I mean "when I get home"): 3
Random fact of the day: When I watch too much anime, I start to feel like my life is an anime. Although, that holds true for anything, really...

Thursday, June 3, 2010


About two hours ago, I left my last class of my freshman year of college! Woohoo! Now all I have to do is take my two finals on Tuesday and pack everything up and I'll be all done! I just have to get my hands on a few boxes...

This afternoon I decided to finally download google chrome, just to see what all the fuss was about. It's a pretty good browser. It takes a little getting used to, but it automatically imported all my bookmarks and everything from Firefox, so that was convenient. I mostly wanted to try it to see if I could upload videos faster on youtube, because generally it takes at least an hour, depending on how big the file size is, and I'm impatient, and chrome's big thing is that it's super fast. So I tried it, and the test video only took like 20 minutes, but it was a raw file straight from my camera and it was a lot smaller than the size my videos normally export to, so I don't know if it really did anything. I'll have to try it out again later when I have a real video to put up.

Anyway, I started cleaning up my room earlier (before class) to try to get it ready for packing, and it's amazing how much stuff I can hoard after only nine months. I ended up throwing away a bunch of empty containers and assignments from fall that I could have brought home with me over winter or spring break but didn't for whatever reason. I also realized that I brought a bunch of stuff like folders and extra binders that I didn't end up needing (I used spiral bound notebooks for class, they were a lot easier than binders). I also kept my notebook from last quarter here, when I totally could have brought it back either time I went home after winter quarter. I don't even know... There's just way too much stuff here, and it's hard to get rid of it without having the boxes to pack it away in yet. Tomorrow I'll go get some, and then I'll start sending stuff home.

Days until Summer: 7
Random Fact of the Day: I got extra credit in my psych class for just showing up last Thursday.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So close to being done

I have four more classes, one discussion, two papers, two finals, and a four-hundred-mile drive separating me from my summer vacation. I've pretty much mentally checked out at this point. It's so weird thinking about moving out of here in a week and a couple of days, but it's going to happen whether I like it or not. I meant to send a box of stuff home last weekend, but that didn't happen. I need to buy more boxes. I need to write my papers. I need to stop starting these sentences with the letter "I."

Days Until Summer: 9
Random (tmi) Fact of the Day: I have to go to the bathroom.